What we do

We Provide Training for Skill Development

CHDF works to prevent unemployment in the country with government and private support, timely short and long-term various training courses, establishment of technical schools, colleges and universities with the approval of technical education board. We help to the educated and uneducated unemployed youth to become self-reliant by training them in sewing, weaving and various types of small and cottage industries and bamboo-cane, jute work and providing vocational training to them. CHDF works jointly with the government for all measures including modern science and technical training to mainstream the marginalized communities, fishermen, beggars, disables, orphans, laborers, farmers, van and rickshaw drivers and other people and their families in the country.

Socio Economic Development

CHDF contributes to the sustainable development of the socio-economic condition of the country by making the people of the rural areas and urban slums of Bangladesh who are not yet touched by development. We conduct various welfare activities jointly with government, non-government, domestic and foreign organizations. Our aim is to encourage creativity, provide information and technology support, conduct research on various issues in the socio-economic development of Bangladesh, and for this purpose we collect, process, analyze and publish research papers and journals of the organizations.
Furthermore, CHDF takes necessary measures for education-health-training-rehabilitation and socio-economic development of handicapped children and backward persons. We conduct and expand microcredit activities subject to the approval of the regulatory authority of Bangladesh Bank. By raising funds, we work for the welfare of elderly men and women who are currently dependent on others or living a subhuman life through begging profession, to build infrastructure for their health, medical care and permanent residence.
Moreover, CHDF provides legal aid and implementing rehabilitation schemes for abused women and children, trafficked women and children, and juvenile offenders, caught in legal entanglements. Meritorious needy students get benefit from us through scholarships. We do provide food items, clothing items and necessary financial assistance to poor people on the occasion of holy Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha and various religious events and celebration days.

Working on Disable People

We assist in the distribution and repair of free mobility aids among the disabled. We set up a factory for making educational and mobility aids for the disabled with public private support.

We collect and store data of Persons with Disabilities (PWD). We teach them on information and technology education. We create opportunities for inclusive education and higher education for disabled and backward students through extra care.

We encourage and create employment opportunities and implement project for development, for the physically, mentally, hearing, visually impaired who are an integral part of the society but socially neglected and deprived.

We Care for Homeless

We provide vocational training and provision of resettlement and vocational training for vagrants in all social welfare work, resettlement of orphans and homeless by setting up resettlement centers.

We undertake programs for the distribution of relief materials among the persons or families affected by river erosions, floods and other natural disasters and arrange various programs for their rehabilitation.

Developmental Work

CHDF works under the initiative of the organization, under the development projects of various ministries of the government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, taking up various timely projects including the establishment of hospitals, old age homes, street children’s homes, training centers, physical exercise centers, shelters for the socially disabled, homeless shelters etc. We establish poultry farms for the employment of helpless poor women ensuring employment at the family level by imparting comprehensive training on vegetable and fruit cultivation. Also, we implement afforestation programs in open spaces on both sides of roads and undertake programs to improve the environment through which climate change and greenhouse effect can be prevented. CHDF works for incorporating fisheries through re-excavation by taking leases of recreational, derelict and uncultivated ponds. We import modern spare parts including medical equipment for hospitals/clinics. By constructing and renovating mosques, madrasas, orphanages, educational institutions, training centers and various religious institutions, CHDF supports societies.

Awareness Campaign & Networking

Awareness Campaign:
CHDF creates social awareness about drug abuse and prevention of diseases like HIV/AIDS/STD, Hepatitis, ARI, Tuberculosis etc. and provide medical assistance and good treatment to affected patients. We do promotion of nutritional awareness, provision of health care to protect pregnant mother and child health and counseling on family planning.

CHDF accepts membership of domestic and foreign donor organizations.

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