

Summarize Membership Text Here

Rules For Membership

Eligibility for Membership: Adult Bangladeshi citizens above 18 years of age, who believe in the ideals and objectives of the organization and agree to abide by the constitution of the organization shall be considered eligible for the general membership of this organization.
Membership Admissions Rules: The application form prescribed by the organization should be duly filled and submitted to the Chairman/Executive Chairman along with the admission fee of Tk. 1000/- (one thousand).
Membership applications will be approved/rejected as per the resolution adopted in the Executive Council meeting.
Monthly subscription fee is Tk. 100/- (may be varied by the Executive Committee from time to time).
The Executive Chairman will present the submitted application form to the Executive Council Meeting for approval and will record it in the membership register subject to approval.

Types of membership

The organization shall have total five types of memberships.

General Member: All life members, ordinary members and all members as per clause-6 of the organization shall be considered as ordinary members. Ordinary members shall have the right to vote and to know about any matter of the organization. They can participate and contest in elections.
Donor Member: The Executive Committee may elect any person as a Donor Member by accepting a donation of not less than 5.00 (Five) Lakhs. But they will not have voting power in the organization.
Associates/Network Members: Organizations, NGOs, any other groups agreeing with the objectives of this organization and those organizations involved in similar activities and committed to development may be included as associate members or network members by the Executive Committee. Associate members shall not have voting rights.
Scheme Members: Beneficiaries under the scheme of the organization shall be considered as scheme members. They will not have the power to vote.
Co-opt/EC Member: Any unexpected vacancy in EC membership shall be filled by the Executive Committee amongst the ordinary members. If the executive committee wants to include any general member in the committee, it must take that decision in the presence of 2/3 of the total members of the executive committee in a meeting and inform the general members. The co-op member will hold his post until the new EC is elected.

Speaking – ?

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